NEW YORK – (January 23, 2013) - As the 2013 tax filing season opens January 30th, members of the New York State Society of CPAs are teaming with attorneys from the Neighborhood Entrepreneur Law Project to volunteer their expertise to help New York City small business owners who have been hurt by Super storm Sandy.
The groups, in partnership with New York City’s Department of Small Business Services (SBS), are hosting a free legal and accounting clinic Thursday, January 31st from 2 p.m.- 6 p.m. in Brooklyn at the El Greco Diner, 1821 Emmons Avenue.
The attorneys and CPAs will be available to answer questions related to FEMA and Small Business Administration (SBA) issues, insurance, filing amended returns, business loss calculations and tax deductions, contracts and commercial landlord/tenant issues.
Assistance will be limited to that which can be given during the clinic session and will be delivered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please RSVP at or contact Rodrigo Camerena at 212.513.9211 or by email at
The clinic is part of the City and NYSSCPA’s effort to offer pro bono services to small businesses - adversely affected by Super storm Sandy across all five boroughs - who need help with insurance claims, personal injury claims, measuring business interruption, economic damage calculations and business valuations.
“Service is at the core of our profession and a central tenet of our Society,” said NYSSCPA President Gail M. Kinsella of the 28,000-member association of CPAs residing and practicing in New York encompassing all areas of public practice, government, education, business, and industry. “I’m proud of our members who are volunteering to connect business owners with resources and information to help them rebuild their livelihoods.”
Small business owners who have had their businesses interrupted due to Super storm Sandy and who are unable to attend the clinic should call their nearest NYC Business Solutions Center to schedule a help consultation.
Bronx Center: Phone 718.960.7910
Brooklyn Center: Phone 347.296.8021
Lower Manhattan Center: Phone 212.618.8914
Queens Center: Phone 718.577.2148
Staten Island Center : Phone 718.285.8400
Upper Manhattan Center: Phone 917.493.7243
Washington Heights Center: Phone 212.928.3400
For more information please contact Alonza Robertson, media relations manager for the NYSSCPA, at 212.719.8405 or