Join the NYCPA Manhattan/Bronx Chapter Board and Officers – Election at April/ May Board Meeting
Dear Manhattan/Bronx Members,
There are several officer/board openings, due to the expiring terms of current members. Officer terms are for one year, while director/ board terms are for one or two years. All terms become effective at the beginning of the chapter’s new fiscal year, which starts on June 1.
The Manhattan/Bronx Chapter Nominating Committee invites chapter CPA members to submit names (you may also submit your own) for officer (president-elect, vice president, treasurer, and secretary) and director positions.
How to submit nominations
- Email your nomination(s) no later than Friday, March 7, 2025 to
- Indicate the board or officer position in the subject line.
- Include why you want to serve, along with a brief professional background or biography.
- Compliance with CPA licensing rules and NYCPA membership requirements is required.
Merry times had by the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter Board
The Manhattan/Bronx Chapter Executive Board had our annual holiday dinner in December. The dinner was held at Medi Wine Bar in NYC, following our monthly board meeting. It was a great night filled with holiday cheer. We had the pleasure of hosting Yiyang Sun, who is one of the winners of this year’s Ted Wilson Scholarship award, and J. Michael Kirkland, who offered some kind words on what Ted Wilson meant to the Organization and to the accounting profession in general.
One of the great parts of being on a chapter board or one of the Society’s many Communities of Practice is the life-long relationships you forge by working closely with fellow members. If you are interested in a position on the Chapter Board for the upcoming fiscal year beginning June 1, 2025, keep a lookout for the call for nominations coming later this year. You can also join one of our Communities of Practice here:
Wishing everyone a wonderful 2025!
Shape the Future: Join the M/B Chapter Nominating Committee
Help select and vet candidates for key leadership roles to build a diverse and skilled board. If you’re ready to contribute to the chapter's future, consider nominating yourself or a fellow member!
- Nominee’s name and contact info
- Brief statement of qualifications
Let’s strengthen our chapter together! Questions? Contact us today.
Who says CPAs aren’t social people? Think again!
The Manhattan/Bronx chapter proved that CPAs aren’t allergic to good times, hosting not one, but two happy hours in November to kick off the holiday season. These events provided excellent opportunities for members and potential members alike to connect, unwind, and strengthen their professional networks – all in a relaxed, enjoyable setting.
NextGen Kick-Off Happy Hour
The first, held on November 7, was the NextGen Kick-Off Happy Hour held at Beer Authority. Young CPAs enjoyed drinks and a bite to eat while mingling with fellow members of the Society. The credit goes to our NextGen committee, with coordination efforts spearheaded by Jason Garfield, Taylor Van Slyck, and Lia Tonietti. The event would not have been such a huge success without their hard work. If you are a young professional looking to meet others in your field in a casual and welcoming environment, keep an eye out for more exciting events through the committee in the coming months.
Fall Happy Hour
The festivities continued with the Chapter’s Fall Happy Hour on November 13, which was held at Stout Grand Central in a private room. The event was graciously sponsored by Creative Planning. We had a dynamic mix of current and prospective members, bankers, benefit consultants, and other professionals all come together to have spirited conversations in a lively environment. The event was a testament to the power of in-person networking, as we filled the room to capacity.
One of the greatest benefits to being a member of the NYCPA is having access to all our great events like these. Whether you’re looking to expand your professional circle, explore new career opportunities, or simply enjoy the camaraderie of fellow CPAs, our chapter events are designed with you in mind.
Be sure to check out the Chapter Digest emails as well as the Event Calendar for more in-person events rolling out in 2025. You never know what lasting bonds you’ll form at the next one.
Manhattan/Bronx Chapter to focus on events, engagement and education
Manhattan/Bronx Chapter President
As we look forward to another year for the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter of the NYSSCPA, I am thrilled and honored to serve as the president of the chapter. I have devoted the majority of my career to guiding companies as they navigate strategic financial and accounting challenges, and it is with that same spirit that I take on the chapter president role. The NYSSCPA is a champion for both CPAs and the accounting profession at large. I look forward to furthering that mission for our members.
I have served on the chapter board in various positions going on for seven years now, and I cannot help but think of all the wonderful people I have met through my involvement with the chapter. I would like to send a big thank you to Gary Rosen for his service as president this past year and for all the great work he did. I would also like to thank the following individuals for serving in officer roles this upcoming year: President-elect Barbara A. Marino, Vice President Taylor Bickley, Treasurer Alex Hamabuchi and Secretary Deloris Dunk-Vickers.
Simply put, the chapter could not function without the efforts of the officers and fellow board members who are so generous with their time and energy.
My focus will be on three areas during my term as president: in-person networking events, member engagement, and education beyond technical accounting. Despite what the public thinks, CPAs are social creatures, and the NYSSCPA provides a community for us. That community allows us to share ideas among like-minded individuals. Networking events allow us to meet new people both inside and outside of our circles. I cannot tell you how many people I have spoken to who found a new job, gained clients or formed life-long friendships (or all three!) as a direct result of their involvement with the NYSSCPA. The best way to leverage our community is by attending events and getting involved. The chapter provides opportunities to do so through our various committees. Lastly, all CPAs need CPE credits. We are continuing to add educational offerings that extend beyond technical proficiencies, into areas such as career development, firm management, and personal finance. Keep an eye on the NYSSCPA’s on-demand library, where we periodically add self-study CPE programs related to these topics and more.
The NYSSCPA exists to benefit all members, whether you are in public accounting, industry or not-for-profit, or you are students or retirees. All are welcome and encouraged to attend events. If anyone would like to get more involved with the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter, feel free to send me an email at the address below, and we can arrange a conversation. To all our members, I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.
Member Appreciation Spotlight Manhattan/Bronx Chapter
Gary Rosen - Past President of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter — Gary's efforts were the inspiration in getting the ball rolling on re-forming committees and adding needed overall structure to the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter board. He also leveraged his network to fill the chapter’s calendar with unique, virtual education sessions, such as those on estate planning, personal branding, and practice management. Gary was a featured panelist on the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter’s Cash Flow and Risk Management for Firms virtual roundtable.
A’Isha Torrence, Vice President on the NYSSCPA Board, Past President and President-elect of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter Executive Board — A'Isha came in as Manhattan/Bronx Chapter president, in a time of chapter transition and rebuilding. She brought instant stability to the board during that first year and kept the chapter operational with her professionalism. Just as important, A’Isha also brought back a level of mutual respect among Manhattan/Bronx Chapter members.