Upcoming Events
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Message from the Chapter President:
What the Northeast Chapter of the NYSSCPA means to me –
When I first joined the Northeast Chapter, I was inspired to start the Northeast Chapter Young CPA Committee (now known as the NextGen Committee) because I did not want to be the only Young CPA in the room at Chapter events. This experience helped me to develop my skills in networking, project management and public speaking. As a Young CPA I joined the Board of Directors and ascended through the ranks of Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, President-Elect, and President.
My experience representing the Northeast Chapter on the Statewide Board of Directors expanded my professional network beyond the Capital Region and helped to develop my skills in negotiation and diplomacy. Feeling isolated as the only CPA in an organization, I started the Northeast Chapter CFO Committee so that our members in industry (including me) have a support system.
I am truly indebted to the NYSSCPA and the leaders of the Northeast Chapter for their mentorship and opportunities to develop my professional network, leadership skills and career goals.
The strength of the Northeast Chapter resides in the engagement of our members. I am excited to see our members taking advantage of Chapter professional development opportunities by attending events and assuming leadership roles on the Chapter Board and Committees.
Recruitment for Fiscal year 2024-2025 is underway and will close on May 31st. Please consider getting involved by joining one of our committees, the Board of Directors, or the Executive Board. Just send me an e-mail noting your professional background and expression of interest at bvanbladel@bstco.com
Thank you for your consideration,
Beth van Bladel, CPA
CFO for Hire, a division of BST & Co. CPAs, LLP
Please note – All nominees must be in compliance with CPA licensing rules and NYSSCPA membership requirements.
Member Appreciation Spotlight Northeast Chapter
Saolam S. Nguyen, Northeast Chapter President-elect and NextGen Committee Co-Chair — Upon receiving her CPA license in 2021, she joined the Northeast Chapter’s NextGen Committee and quickly became one of the committee’s Co-Chairs. Saolam has successfully engaged chapter and committee members to resume in-person networking activities. Under her leadership, the NextGen Committee has doubled in size, with monthly meetings and quarterly events. In June 2022, she assumed the role of Northeast Chapter Treasurer, and, in June 2024, she became the chapter’s President-elect. To inspire the next generation of CPAs, Saolam participated in the Northeast Chapter’s outreach visit to Averill Park High School, where she shared her journey to become a CPA in public accounting.
Steven Lewis, Northeast Chapter Treasurer/Secretary and NextGen Committee Co-Chair — Steven joined the Northeast Chapter’s NextGen Committee and became an active participant. Now a Co-Chair of the committee, he shares his passion for the profession by participating in the Career Opportunities in the Accounting Profession (COAP) program and organizing and speaking at high school outreach visits. Steven successfully passed all parts of the CPA exam while working full time, attending the 2022 Leadership Institute, and dedicating his time and talents to the Northeast Chapter.
Northeast Chapter focuses on molding new leaders
July/August 2024
By STEVEN LEWIS Northeast Chapter
The NYCPA’s Northeast Chapter participated in an event-filled start to its summer.
The Society’s Leadership Conference, held at the scenic Schroon Lake in upstate New York from June 9 to 11, brought together members from chapters across the state, to enhance their leadership skills and network with each other. I had the pleasure of attending the Leadership Conference for the first time alongside Northeast Chapter President Beth van Bladel, President-Elect Saolam S. Nguyen and board member Kylene Fitsik. The experience was nothing short of transformative.
The conference included sessions for seasoned leaders, as well as sessions tailored for NextGen members, including a session on situational leadership that included a “DISC assessment” to help us explore and understand our leadership styles. The DISC assessment is an acronym representing dominance, influence, steadiness and conscientiousness. The interactive nature of the DISC assessment allowed all of us to gain a deeper understanding of our own personal traits.
The sessions were led by Bill Reeb, CEO of the Succession Institute, and Tommye E. Barie, executive vice president of leadership development at the Succession Institute. Both are past chairs of the AICPA. Their wealth of knowledge and engaging presentation style made the topics covered come alive and impactful. Bill and Tommye’s insights into leadership supported my professional and personal development in several ways, extending beyond the State Society, into the workplace and my personal life as well.
Following the Leadership Conference, the Northeast Chapter successfully hosted its annual Financial Professionals Golf Open at the Wolferts Roost on June 17. As an upcoming leader within the Northeast Chapter, I found this event to be an excellent opportunity for Laura Grippin—a CPA candidate and NextGen member—and me to gain valuable experience on the behind-the-scenes efforts that go into organizing a continuously successful event.
This year, the Northeast Chapter introduced a new element in the Financial Professional Open, by hosting a golf clinic. The clinic was designed to offer a hands-on learning opportunity with the club pro, focusing on the basics and overall technique of the sport. While several NextGen and other professionals golfed, this initiative aimed to provide other NextGen CPAs and Young Professional members with a valuable opportunity to develop their golfing skills and to build connections with each other.
Overall, the Leadership Conference and the Financial Professional Open are testaments to the growing involvement of NextGen members, and the connected community of professionals within the NYCPA.
Northeast Chapter wraps up 2023 with two events focused on new and future CPAs
January/February 2024
Northeast Chapter NextGen Committee Member
The Northeast Chapter rounded out 2023 with two great events.
The NextGen Committee hosted a night of axe throwing at Generation Axe on Dec. 7. Those who came to test their axe-throwing skills varied across multiple firms and industries. This was a great event, which allowed young professionals such as myself to connect with others who share similar professional goals. Many who attended this event are in the beginning stages of their careers—either preparing to take CPA exams or having recently passed the exams—and it was a great way to connect and unwind in a stress-free environment. Many thanks to our event sponsors: Robert Half, BST, The Bonadio Group, FAZ CPAs, UHY, MMB + CO, and Spring Street Tax Resources.
The Educators Committee organized a two-day visit to Averill Park High School on Dec. 13–14. We paired up and spoke to five of Terry Miller’s financial algebra classes. I decided to go into the profession of accounting in high school, and I wanted to try and inspire others to enter into the profession. There are so many great benefits to being an accountant and many avenues—such as tax, audit or even outsourcing, which is the field I am currently in. It was great to get to interact with the high schoolers and answer their questions about colleges and what the career path of an accountant looks like.
The students were very engaged and had tons of questions; they significantly added to the conversation, which makes me excited for this next group of high schoolers entering college and the professional world. I think this school will be the first of many that the Northeast Chapter will visit. Being a resource for these students, as others have been for me, is a journey that I am excited to begin. Many thanks to Steven M. Lewis for getting us invited to Averill Park High School, and thanks to the other volunteers who made the time to share their experiences: Saolam Nguyen, Christopher E. Sauers, Kimberly Wright, Jeremy Cole, Stephen A. Angrisano, Sharon L. Jurs and Beth van Bladel.
Members of the Northeast Chapter who attended the axe-throwing event at Generation Axe on Dec. 7. |
Northeast Chapter President Beth van Bladel and NextGen Committee member Laura Grippin at the Averill Park High School visit. |
Northeast Chapter Treasurer/NextGen Committee Co-Chair Saolam Nguyen and NextGen Committee Co-Chair Steven M. Lewis address students at Averill Park High School. |
Northeast Chapter NextGen Committee Co-Chair Steven M. Lewis and Northeast Chapter board member Christopher E. Sauers speak to students at Averill Park High School. |
Northeast Chapter hosts another successful Day at the Races
September/October 2023
Northeast Chapter Executive Board Member and Day at the Races Committee Chair
The Northeast Chapter successfully hosted its Second Annual Day at the Races at the Saratoga Race Course on Aug. 3. The chapter reserved the Spa Veranda, which included comfortable lounge furniture, mounted televisions, betting machines, food, drinks and private access to the racetrack for exclusive trackside viewing. Registration was limited to 50 people, and it was a sold-out event. The networking event built connections not only from within the Northeast Chapter, but also with professionals from various local firms and NYSSCPA members traveling from downstate and the Adirondacks.
NYSSCPA CEO Calvin Harris Jr. traveled north from New York City to attend the event. The chapter thanks him, the Society staff and the planning committee members for their support in helping to execute another successful event.
Thank you to Cresa, Bank of America and Robert Half, for sponsoring the event.
The strength of the Northeast Chapter resides in the involvement of the members. Planning, leading and executing events continue to be a success for the chapter, as many members share in the excitement of networking and growing their connections. The Northeast Chapter looks forward to carrying the momentum on and planning upcoming events.
Members of the NYSSCPA enjoying the Second Annual Day at the Races at the Saratoga Race Course on Aug. 3. |
The Northeast Chapter’s future resides in its NextGen members
July/August 2023
Northeast Chapter President
The Northeast Chapter is in full swing (yes, pun intended) with our 2023 summer events. Both the Financial Professionals Golf Open and NextGen CPAs/CPA Candidates ValleyCats Baseball Night were a great success! I am looking forward to our Saratoga Day at the Races on Aug. 3.
The accounting profession has changed significantly over the past 30 years. When I was a NextGen member, it was incredibly competitive to obtain a position on a chapter board or even ascend to the role of chapter president. But times have changed, and with competing demands and efforts to maintain a balanced personal/professional life, the drive (yes, pun intended) to assume a leadership role in the chapter is not as appealing.
But then I look at these pictures and see our chapter’s NextGen members showing up to plan and participate in chapter events. I see the Northeast Chapter’s future. It is because of this incredible group of energetic professionals that I remain president of the Northeast Chapter. I will continue to lead and mentor until they meet the NYSSCPA requirements and receive support from their firms to join the board and ascend through the officer ranks.
Now here is my ask:
Partners, directors and managers: Please support and encourage NextGen participation in chapter events.
NextGen members: Please reach out to me if you would like to know more about our chapter. I promise that the professional development benefits are endless. My own career path is evidence of that.
Northeast Chapter members enjoying the Financial Professionals Golf Open on June 12. |
Northeast Chapter members attending the NextGen CPAs/CPA Candidates ValleyCats Baseball Night on June 29. |
Northeast Chapter to host summer networking events and programs aimed at increasing the CPA pipeline
May/June 2023
Northeast Chapter President
Northeast Chapter Educators Committee Chair
The Northeast Chapter will be hosting the following events this summer:
Monday, June 12: Financial Professionals Golf Outing
Thursday, June 29: NextGen CPAs/CPA Candidates ValleyCats Baseball Night
Thursday, Aug. 3: Saratoga Racetrack Day at the Races (information to come)
If you have any questions about the above events, please contact Beth van Bladel at her email address below.
In addition, the Northeast Chapter’s Educators Committee has been busy planning several events and initiatives in recent months. As the public accounting industry continues to search for the next generation of public accountants, the industry has had to rethink outreach strategies and approaches to better communicate why we believe public accounting is a great profession. As graduation rates and the number of incoming college students in the accounting fields continue to drop, these activities are vital to finding the next generation of accounting professionals.
On June 26 and 27, the Northeast Chapter will host the Career Opportunities in the Accounting Profession (COAP) event at Siena College.
The COAP program provides real insights into opportunities in public accounting, and an introduction to the college experience and related opportunities. The program has long been an initiative of the Society’s efforts to recruit underrepresented individuals into the accounting profession. However, the program is open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin or sex.
The Moynihan Scholarship Fund (MSF) sponsors the COAP program, with eight college campuses across New York state.
Thank you to the Society, Siena College and the Northeast Chapter for all their efforts in making this event a success each year. Anyone wishing to apply to the COAP program should complete the online application.
Additionally, the committee has been working on developing relationships with local schools and nonprofits to offer outreach programs that expose high school students to the many interesting people, experiences and opportunities that exist in the accounting profession. More on that in the upcoming months.
If you would like to get involved with the Northeast Chapter Educators Committee, please contact Tim Doyle at his email address below.
bvanbladel@bstco.com, tdoyle@bonadio.com