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Career Center 

Whether you are posting a job or looking for one, the Career Center is a terrific resource.

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Career Center Articles

  • It’s No Surprise That You’re Stressed

    Jason Wong
    Apr 17, 2015

    According to data compiled by the workplace-services firm Bensinger, Dupont & Associates, millenials report being stressed out more than any other age group at the office. Among 7,883 workers who used BDA’s Employee Assistance Program, 30 percent of millennials said they have workplace anxiety, compared to 26 percent of Generation X’ers and 25 percent of Baby Boomers. 

  • Tackling a Marathon Job Interview

    Jason Wong
    Apr 17, 2015

    Sometimes, after making it through the initial hurdles of a phone interview or one-on-one meeting, you find yourself in a marathon job interview. You know the kind: sit-downs that can last a whole day, and seem to include everyone from the CFO to the receptionist. Forbes has some tips to help get you through it:

  • What Young Professionals Should Do Now to Avoid Salary Stagnation Later

    Jason Wong
    Apr 14, 2015
    Unless you’re a member of the top 10 percent of lifetime earners, it’s likely that you’ll experience the most wage growth between the ages of 25 and 35 (an average of 38 percent), and wage stagnation between ages 35 and 55, according to Fortune. So what can you do to make sure you’re taking advantage of your prime wage growth years?
  • It Can Happen to Anyone: Avoiding Social Media Disaster

    Jason Wong
    Apr 3, 2015

    The most innocuous of social media interactions can have negative consequences. A case in point: Rory Cullinan, the outgoing chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland. According to Time, Cullinan was mocked roundly in British tabloids when it was discovered that he had sent several Snapchat selfies to his 18-year-old daughter with captions that expressed considerable distaste about the board meetings he was attending at the time. (Some examples: “Boring meeting xx” and “Another friggin meeting.”) Though Snapchat messages disappear after a short while, Cullinan’s daughter posted them to her Instagram account, giving them a second life.  Soon after the messages went viral, RBS announced that Cullinan would be stepping down at the end of the month, though it did not give a reason for his departure.

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