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Estate Taxation

  • What if Your Spouse Doesn't Want to Study? Visa Requirements for U.S. Tax Practitioners

    Luciana Zamith Fischer
    Nov 1, 2016
    In a globalized world, where investment and trade continues to flow across borders, investors and companies find it difficult to understand the complexities imposed by countries based on notions of sovereignty and national security. 
  • Why the Estate Tax Should Concern Us All

    Daniel Mazzola, CPA, CFA
    Oct 1, 2016

    During the week of Aug. 7, presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump revealed their respective tax policies in major speeches to partisan audiences. While the presentations contained such jargon as marginal rates, inversions, and expenditures, the programs can be summarized as follows: Corporate America—along with the wealthy—will bear the brunt of Mrs. Clinton’s progressive agenda in the form of higher taxes, while these two groups would see their taxes reduced under a Trump regime. This is the choice Americans face in November.

  • Who Do You Want Making Decisions About Your Online Accounts If You Die or Become Incapacitated? A Proposed New York Statute Would Give You the Right to Choose

    Kadeen Wong, Esq., and Kevin Matz, CPA, Esq., LLM
    Sep 1, 2016
    Have you ever wondered what will happen to the contents of your Facebook, LinkedIn, and personal e-mail accounts if you die or become incapacitated? Does your family know what accounts you have? Do they have the authority to access, use, or terminate those accounts? 
  • Early Twenty-First Century Estate Planners Shift Focus from Estate to Income Tax Planning

    Philip A. Di Giorgio, Esq.
    Sep 1, 2016

    This article will focus on successive changes to the federal tax code since the beginning of the 21st century—which have resulted in a dramatic paradigm shift in estate planning—as well as some of the planning strategies that have garnered increased attention as a result of those changes. 

  • U.S. Real Estate Beckons to Foreign Investors in Wake of FIRPTA Revisions

    Alicea Castellanos, CPA, TEP, NP and Jack R. Brister, TEP
    Jul 1, 2016

    Changes to U.S. tax rules that were signed into law in December have important implications for foreign entities seeking to invest in the U.S. real estate market. This includes both additional disclosure requirements and provisions that may increase the tax efficiency of certain assets.

  • A Few Words About Estate Planning and Trustee Engagements

    Ron Klein, JD, CFE
    Jul 1, 2016

    Thirty years of protecting CPAs from malpractice risks has shown that every CPA is safer if they understand the risks they are facing. In no type of engagement is this truer than in estate planning and trustee engagements. And the reason for this is clear: hindsight!

  • Cause Marketing: Plan Carefully to Avoid Legal and Tax Pitfalls

    Luana K. Lewis
    May 1, 2016
    In recent years, cause marketing efforts have grown more popular with charities and their commercial marketing partners. Customer perceptions and behaviors are expected to drive the cause marketing trend even further in the future. 

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