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State Taxation

  • Executive Compensation Limits under NYS Executive Order #38

    James E. Rocco Associates, Inc.
    Jan 1, 2014
    In January 2012, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order #38 (“EO38”), the latest in a series of regulatory actions to curb the use of public funds for excessive administrative expenses or executive compensation in exempt organizations. The rules are strict--and complex.
  • Tax Implications of Foreign Pension Plan Participation

    By James Cassidy, CPA
    Mar 1, 2012
    As a result of IRS offshore compliance initiatives, recently enacted legislation, and new informational reporting requirements, tax preparers and U.S. participants in foreign pension plans must carefully evaluate how a foreign-based retirement plan is structured and valued. Because many U.S. citizens who have repatriated or are currently residing and working abroad, as well as foreign nationals currently residing in the United States, either have retirement assets abroad or are currently participating in a foreign plan, practitioners and taxpayers should evaluate the reporting requirements, follow guidance for preparing accurate tax and information returns and strive to minimize both taxes and onerous penalties.

Views expressed in articles published in Tax Stringer are the authors' only and are not to be attributed to the publication, its editors, the NYSSCPA or FAE, or their directors, officers, or employees, unless expressly so stated. Articles contain information believed by the authors to be accurate, but the publisher, editors and authors are not engaged in redering legal, accounting or other professional services. If specific professional advice or assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.