to hold office for one year, from June 1, 2018: |
 | President-elect
ITA M. RAHILLY, Partner, RBT CPAs, LLP, Newburgh,
N.Y. Member of the Society since 1988; member of the Mid Hudson Chapter.
STATEWIDE: Past Vice President on the Board of Directors. Past Director
as Chapter Representative on the Board of Directors. Past Vice President
of the Executive Committee. Current Chair of the Investment Subcommittee
of the Finance Committee. Current member of the Finance and Trust and
Estate Administration committees. Past Chair of the Trust and Estate
Administration and Member Relations committees. Past member of the Awards;
New York, Multistate and Local Taxation; Quality Enhancement Policy;
and Tax Division Oversight committees. Past member of the Rapid Response
Subcommittee (TDOC). Current member of the AICPA Council. CHAPTER: Past
Mid Hudson Chapter President, Secretary and Treasurer. Past Mid Hudson
Chapter Executive Board member. Past Co-chair of the Mid Hudson Chapter
Cooperation with the Bar, Bankers and Loan and Estate Planning committees.
Past member of the New Paltz COAP Advisory Board. |
 | Vice President
LLP, New York, N.Y. Member of the Society since 2006; member of the
Nassau Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current member of the Accounting and Auditing
Oversight and SEC committees. Past Chair of the SEC Committee. |
 | Vice President
SALVATORE A. COLLEMI, Collemi Consulting & Advisory Services, LLC, New York, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1998; member of the Manhattan/Bronx
Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current Director-at-Large on the Board of Directors.
Current member of the FAE Curriculum Committee. Past Chair of the International
Accounting and Auditing and Member Relations committees. Past member
of the Accounting and Auditing Oversight and Professional Ethics committees. |
 | Vice President
IRALMA POZO, Consultant and Adjunct Lecturer,
City University of New York (CUNY) Colleges, New York, N.Y. Member
of the Society since 2004; member of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter. STATEWIDE:
Current Director as Chapter Representative on the Board of Directors.
Current member of the Executive Committee. Current member of the CPA
Careers and Not-for-Profit Organizations committees. Past member of
the Governance Subcommittee. Past member of the Academic Advancement
and Higher Education Committee. CHAPTER: Past Manhattan/Bronx Chapter
President, President-elect and Treasurer. Past Manhattan/Bronx Chapter
Executive Board member. Past Chair of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter One-on-One
Committee. Past member of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter NextGen Committee. |
 | Vice President
JANEEN F. SCHRANN, Partner, Piaker &
Lyons, Binghamton N.Y. Member of the Society since 2002; member of the
Southern Tier Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current Director as Chapter Representative
on the Board of Directors. CHAPTER: Current Southern Tier Executive
Board member. Past Southern Tier Chapter President, President-elect
and Secretary/Treasurer. Past Chair of the Southern Tier Chapter One-on-One
High School Outreach Committee. |
 | Secretary/Treasurer
ANTHONY T. ABBOUD, Principal, Firley, Moran, Freer &
Eassa, CPA, P.C., East Syracuse, N.Y.
Member of the Society since 1998; member of the Syracuse Chapter. STATEWIDE:
Current Secretary/Treasurer on the Board of Directors. Current member
of the Executive Committee. Current Treasurer of the FAE Board of Trustees
and the Moynihan Scholarship Fund Board of Trustees. Current Chair of
the Finance Committee. Past member of the Audit Committee. CHAPTER: Past
Syracuse Chapter President, President-elect and Vice President. Past Syracuse
Chapter Executive Board member. Past Chair of the Syracuse Chapter Budget,
NextGen and Young CPAs committees.
to hold office for three years, from June 1, 2018: |
 | Director-at-Large
Rock Forensics, LLC. Member of the Society since 2012; member of the
Queens/Brooklyn Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current Chair of the Diversity and
Inclusion Committee. Current member of the CPA Careers and Litigation
Services committees. Past member of the CPA Exam Task Force. CHAPTER:
Past Queens/Brooklyn Chapter President and President-elect. Current
Chair of the Queens/Brooklyn Social Media Committee. Past member of
the St. John’s COAP Advisory Board. |
 | Director-at-Large
JENNIFER A. KARTYCHAK, Principal, Lumsden
& McCormick, LLP, Buffalo, N.Y. Member of the Society since 2002;
member of the Buffalo Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current member of the Technology
Assurance Committee. CHAPTER: Current Buffalo Chapter Executive Board
member. |
 | Director-at-Large
GERARD J. LOVERDE, Partner, Cicero &
LoVerde, P.C., Staten Island, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1984;
member of the Staten Island Chapter. STATEWIDE: Past member of the FAE
Scholarship Awards, Legislation and Nominating committees. CHAPTER:
Current Staten Island Chapter Executive Board member. Past Staten Island
Chapter President, President-elect and Treasurer. Current Chair of the
Staten Island Chapter Charitable Events Committee. Past Chair of the
Staten Island Chapter Fundraising and MAP committees. Past member of
the Staten Island Chapter One-on-One Program and Public Relations committees.
Past member of the Staten Island COAP Advisory Board. |
 | Director-at-Large
STEVEN M. MORSE, Principal, The Bonadio
Group, Pittsford, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1991; member of the
Rochester Chapter. STATEWIDE: Past Director as Chapter Representative
on the Board of Directors. Past Secretary and member of the FAE Board
of Trustees. Past member of the Selections Subcommittee. CHAPTER: Current
Rochester Chapter Executive Board member. Past Rochester Chapter Vice
President and Treasurer. Past Chair of the Rochester Chapter Community
Service Committee. Past Co-chair of the Rochester Chapter Cooperation
with Industry and World of Accounting committees. Past member of the
SUNY Brockport COAP Advisory Board. |
 | Director-at-Large
DAVID G. YOUNG, Partner, Young & Company
CPAs, LLP, Rochester, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1998; member
of the Rochester Chapter. STATEWIDE: Past Director as Chapter Representative
on the Board of Directors. Past member of the Selections Subcommittee.
CHAPTER: Current Rochester Chapter Executive Board member. Current Chair
of the Rochester Chapter Public Relations Committee. Past member of
the Rochester Chapter Taxation Committee. |
To serve the remaining one-year term, from June 1, 2018 (if Salvatore
A. Collemi is elected to the position of Vice President) |
M. ROLLMANN, Partner, PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP, Harrison,
N.Y. Member of the Society since 1982; member of the Westchester Chapter.
STATEWIDE: Current Chair of the Accounting and Auditing Oversight Committee.
Current member of the Awards, Financial Accounting Standards, and International
Accounting and Auditing committees. Past Vice Chair of the Accounting and Auditing Oversight Committee. Past Chair and Vice Chair of the Financial Accounting Standards Committee. |
as Chapter Representatives: to hold office for three years, from June
1, 2018: |
 | BUFFALO PATRICIA A. MCGRATH, Principal, Tronconi Segarra &
Associates, Williamsville, N.Y. Member of the Society since 2002; member
of the Buffalo Chapter. CHAPTER: Past Buffalo Chapter President and
President-elect. Past Buffalo Chapter Executive Board member. Current
Chair of the Buffalo Chapter Accounting and Auditing Committee. Past
Member of the Buffalo Chapter Accounting and Auditing Committee. |
CARNET A. BROWN, Accountant, NYU Langone Health System, New York,
N.Y. Member of the Society since 2010; member of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter.
STATEWIDE: Current member of the Taxation of Individuals and Employee
Benefits committees. CHAPTER: Current Manhattan/Bronx Chapter President.
Past Manhattan/Bronx Chapter President-elect and Treasurer. Past Manhattan/Bronx
Chapter Executive Board member. |
TIER DARCY ALDOUS, President, Darcy Aldous, CPA PC, Ithaca,
N.Y. Member of the Society since 2003; member of the Southern Tier Chapter.
STATEWIDE: Current member of the Awards Committee. CHAPTER: Current
Southern Tier Chapter President. Past Southern Tier Chapter President-elect,
Vice President and Treasurer. |
 | SYRACUSE TIMOTHY J. HAMMOND, Manager, The Bonadio Group, Syracuse,
N.Y. Member of the Society since 2010; member of the Syracuse Chapter.
STATEWIDE: Current member of the Exempt Organizations and Not-for-Profit
Organizations committees. Past member of the NextGen Committee. CHAPTER:
Current Syracuse Chapter President-elect. Past Syracuse Chapter Vice
President, Secretary and Treasurer. Current Co-chair of the Syracuse
Chapter Public Relations Committee. Current member of the Syracuse Chapter
Budget Committee. Past Chair and Vice Chair of the Syracuse Chapter
Young CPAs Committee. Past member of the Syracuse Chapter Young CPAs
Committee. |
 | WESTCHESTER CATHERINE M. CENSULLO, Sole Practitioner, Catherine
M. Censullo, CPA/CMC Wealth Management, North White Plains, N.Y. Member
of the Society since 1992; member of the Westchester Chapter. STATEWIDE:
Current member of the Personal Financial Planning Committee. Past Chair
and Vice Chair of the Personal Financial Planning Committee. Past member
of the FAE Investment Committee. CHAPTER: Current Westchester Chapter
Immediate Past President. Past Westchester Chapter President, President-elect,
Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Past Westchester Chapter Executive
Board member. Current Chair of the Westchester Chapter Local Practitioners
Committee. Current member of the Westchester Chapter Taxation Committee. |